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AuAsia Express Terms of use

Please read this Agreement carefully before consigning the goods. This agreement will come into force when the sender uses the company's services. Express in this agreement refers to all documents or packages involved in a single waybill. AuAsia express shall have the right to transport the express by such route or by any other means as it thinks fit. AuAsia express has the right to sub contract or sub contract any services under this agreement "AuAsia express" means AUASIA EXPRESS PTY LTD, its holding subsidiaries, and its employees, agents and contractors.

Sender guarantee

If the sender violates the relevant laws and regulations or violates the following representations and guarantees, the sender shall be responsible for the compensation, so as to exempt AAM from any compensation, loss, damage, fine and related expenses arising therefrom:

The sender guarantees that all information (including but not limited to documents required for customs declaration) provided by the sender is complete, true and accurate;

All the marks of the goods are complete and accurate, the address is clear, the packaging is proper, and they meet the requirements of transportation and storage;

Comply with the relevant customs and import and export regulations, as well as other laws and regulations;

The consigned express does not need temperature control or other special treatment;

Express with weight less than 30kg or specified weight of express product, package specification, length of any side not exceeding 105cm, or volume not exceeding 0.1m3;

The sender guarantees that the express delivered by him is transportable and does not belong to: (1) hazardous materials, dangerous goods and prohibited or restricted goods stipulated by IATA, ICAO and other relevant government departments or organizations (2) Articles that cannot be declared in accordance with relevant customs regulations (3) Items considered unsafe and legal by AAM (including but not limited to: counterfeit goods, animals, currency, precious metals and ores, weapons, ammunition, corpses, pornography and illegal narcotic drugs / drugs).

Inspection right

AuAsia express has the right to open and inspect the express according to the requirements of government departments or in emergencies that may affect the public interest without notifying the sender.

Fees and payments

The freight of AuAsia express transport will be calculated according to the higher of the actual weight calculation standard and the volume calculation standard, and the volume weight will be calculated according to the length * width * height / 5000. AuAsia express can reweigh and measure any cargo to confirm its calculation data.

The sender shall pay to AuAsia express all the freight, storage fees, customs duties and other taxes collected by AuAsia express itself or on behalf of the sender, the recipient and any third party in the transportation service.

Delivery and non delivery

The express will be delivered according to the addressee's address provided by the sender, but it cannot be delivered directly to the addressee due to objective reasons. If there is a centralized receiving point at the addressee's address, the express will be delivered to that receiving point.

In case of any of the following circumstances, AuAsia express will use reasonable efforts to return the express to the sender, and the additional expenses incurred shall be paid by the sender: the recipient refuses to accept the express or pays the expenses (including taxes, storage fees and other additional expenses that may be caused by the sender or the recipient); The express is considered unacceptable; The customs believed that the sender understated the value of the express; If the addressee cannot be reasonably identified or found, AuAsia express may abandon, dispose of or sell the express if it cannot be returned; The income will be returned to the sender after deducting the relevant management fees and processing fees.

Responsibility of AuAsia express

In the case of Warsaw Convention, Montreal Convention or CMR (hereinafter referred to as convention rules), convention rules shall prevail. In the case that the Convention rules are not applicable, the total compensation liability of AAM shall not exceed the actual cash value of the express, and the maximum compensation per waybill shall not exceed $150.

Express claim

Any claim can only be made from the Australian warehouse to the receiving place of the destination. The customer arranges or selects a third party company to send it to the warehouse of AuAsia express, and AuAsia express does not bear any responsibility for this section of transport.

Any claim must be reported at the first time within 48 hours after signing through the AuAsia express website or online customer service in the app. Late declaration will be deemed as having completed the delivery as required and will not be accepted, otherwise, AAM will no longer bear any responsibility.

The specific details of claim settlement shall refer to the details and standards for claims settlement of AuAsia express.

Each express can only make one claim, and the compensation will be regarded as the total and final solution for the loss and damage of the express. If the sender considers that the compensation provisions in this Agreement are insufficient to cover his loss, he shall make a special statement on the value of the express and take out insurance as required, otherwise the sender will bear all the risks of loss and damage. If the sender fills in the insurance on the front of the waybill or proposes to take out the insurance on his behalf and pay the relevant insurance premium, AuAsia express can take out the insurance for the loss or damage of the express according to the actual cash value of the express.

Application of law

The conclusion, validity, execution and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the law of the place where the document is issued.